Bollywood actor Tiger Shroff has purchased a Rs 7.5-crore home in Pune city. The 4,248-square feet property is part of the premium Yoo Pune project in Hadapsar, and is developed by local real estate heavyweight Panchshil Realty.
The actor paid a stamp duty of Rs 52.5 lakh with the registration taking place on March 5, 2024, according to documents by real estate database platform Zapkey.
The property was leased out immediately, providing the actor with a rental income of INR 3.5 lakh per month. Given the lackluster rental yields in most residential properties in India, Shroff’s five-year rental deal fetches him an attractive yield of over 5 percent. The tenant is Cherise India Private Limited – a company involved in the business of beverages.
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Shroff also owns an eight-BHK apartment in the suburb of Khar in Mumbai. The lavish apartment is located in Rustomjee Paramount and is valued at almost Rs 35 crore.
The actor has previously recounted the episode of his parents, Jackie Shroff and Ayesha Shroff, having to sell their home in 2003 after their Bollywood production Boom bombed at the box office.
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That experience triggered the actor-dancer into buying a home as a priority when his journey into Bollywood began. He joins a long list of Bollywood celebrities that view real estate as a sound investment option. Actors like Akshay Kumar and Ajay Devgn are frequent shoppers in the real estate market and boast of a healthy portfolio.
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