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Politics re-asserts the old adage: In Cash We Trust

There have been multiple attempts by economists, central bankers and government officials to wean the public off currency and nudge them towards using digital payment platforms but cash tends to bounce back

March 20, 2024 / 10:02 AM IST
Politics re-asserts the old adage: In Cash We Trust

In the short term, it is worth asking whether heightened political activity over the next few weeks will revive demand for currency

Many old shops still display fading posters baldly proclaiming: “In Cash We Trust". Many others continue to assert that cash is king. Cash means many things to many people: currency notes, a generic term for money in any form and a catch-all phrase for capturing the monetary worth of assets. The advent of digital payments has hardened the distinction and now cash mostly means currency. There have been multiple attempts by economists, central bankers and government officials

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