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  • News - financial planning ,rental agreement

    Are you a landlord or tenant? Here is an ideal way to make a solid rental agreement

    A rental agreement should spell out rent payment dates, frequency, penalty if rent is late, and a clause that specifies rent increase.

  • News - financial planning ,International Women's Day

    Breaking the glass ceiling: How women CAs have become their own bosses

    International Women’s Day: Starting their own practice has given these women chartered accountants an opportunity to balance their professional and personal commitments. But running their own firm has had its own challenges ranging from getting clients in the initial stages to juggling multiple areas of specialisation and more.

  • News - financial planning ,invest

    37% women not sure if they have enough money for emergency: Finsafe India women's survey

    International Women’s Day: Nearly 45 percent of the women now take independent financial decisions, but most point to a lack of knowledge and proper planning. No wonder then that 66 percent of women surveyed aren’t confident if all their financial goals would be met, says a Finsafe survey of 865 women across India.