Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on March 20 released the DMK manifesto along with the list of candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. The manifesto was released at an event in Chennai in which Kanimozhi and other party leaders were present. Among the major announcements, the party promised to ban NEET and grant statehood to Puducherry. The Uniform Civil Code (UCC) and Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 (CAA) will also not be implemented, the party said in its manifesto.
Stalin said: "It is DMK which makes the manifesto before elections and continues to do what we say, this is what our leaders taught us. Kanimozhi said we went all over the state and listened to various people. It is not only a DMK manifesto but the people's manifesto. When the BJP came to power in 2014, they destroyed India. None of the election promises were fulfilled. We have formed the INDIA alliance and we will form our government in 2024. In our manifesto, we have announced special schemes for Tamil Nadu, and schemes for every district are given in this manifesto."
On the party's manifesto release and seat announcement, DMK MP Kanimozhi, said: "The main focus was on what the Union government can do and we tried to reach all the sectors. To have a good and a stable government, I think the numbers will be adequate."
In its manifesto, the party, among others, promised to take steps for states being consulted on appointment of Governors, abolition of Article 356 that allowed the Centre to dismiss a state government and statehood for Puducherry. In its manifesto, the party, among others, promised to take steps for states being consulted on appointment of Governors, abolition of Article 356 that allowed the Centre to dismiss a state government and statehood for Puducherry.
Of the 21 names the ruling party fielded, 11 were new faces, even as three women, including sitting South Chennai MP Tamizhachi Thangapandian were named. Of the 21 names the ruling party fielded, 11 were new faces, even as three women, including sitting South Chennai MP Tamizhachi Thangapandian were named.The DMK in Tamil Nadu on Wednesday released the list of candidates for 21 seats for the April 19 Lok Sabha polls, retaining among other sitting MPs, Kanimozhi, TR Baalu and A Raja.
Dayanidhi Maran, S Jagathrakshakan, Kalanidhi Veerasamy, Kathir Anand and C N Annadurai were also retained. Dayanidhi Maran, S Jagathrakshakan, Kalanidhi Veerasamy, Kathir Anand and C N Annadurai were also retained.
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